Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Birthday Girl !

Today, 7 years ago, I gave birth to this little bundle of joy:

She arrived 4 weeks was a long but easy in the end epidural !! and after being told mid pregnancy that we were having a boy, her arrival was a big surprise !!! but nevertheless a lovely one !! I wanted a girl !! But, we didnt have a name and my hospital bag was packed full of navy clothes!

She arrived on April 1st (April's fool day) so when we told everybody that the baby was born and "he" was a girl, people didnt believe us ! LOL !!!

My lovely girl had a slow start in life, her 4 weeks premature life made her stay in the hospital a bit longer than expected :o( I used to drive back and forth to the hospital and as often as I could, it was hard going...until the day we finally brought her home...awwww....

Her Christening:

Chocolate addict from a young age:

Always mischievious:

At the age of 3 she cut her own hair very short !! {ouch !!!}

My lovely girl at 7:

Today, we're having a small family celebration.

Love you sweetie...mmuuuuaaahhh !!


Kiki x


  1. Happy Birthday Juliana! I love the photos Kiki! Such a mischevious grin she has on that one where she's peeking out from behind the door! Hope she has a great day.

  2. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter Julianna!!

  3. Happy Belated birthday Julianna, Kiki those photos are just precious :)

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Julianna - I love how really small babies are always in yellow/white as 'netral' colours! Hope ye had a lovely day.
